Guil ABZ-37

685 kr

Clamp ABZ-24 (aluminium) med 10 cm adapter (Ø 50 mm)

Artikelnr: ABZ-37 Kategorier: , Varumärke:


Clamp coupler with a Ø 50 mm insertion spigot adaptor to attach a single tube to a lifting tower. The 10 cm solid aluminium insertion spigot guarantees maximum resistance and durability.The coupler used for this adaptor is designed to be used on tubes / trusses with an external diameter of from 45 to 52 mm (Coupler ref. ABZ-24).

This practical coupler is suitable for lifting towers reference: ELC-770 and ELC-780.

It can be used for other functions, just substituting the spigot for a bolt and wing nut, or for an eye nut or a second clamp (converting it into a swivel coupler).


Maximum Load: 500 kg
Fixing – Spigot: Ø 50 mm x 100 mm
For tube diameters: 45 to 52 mm
Coupler width: 50 mm
Material: Aluminium
Colour: Aluminium
Net Weight: 1,20 kg


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