Look Unique-fluid 2-25L

335 kr3 834 kr

Vätska till Look Unique hazer

Artikelnr: LS151x Kategori:


  • Special fluid for UNIQUE haze generator
  • Ensures an optimal haze and minimal fluid consumption
  • Available in canisters with 2 Litre, 10 Litre, 25 Litre, and in barrels with 220 Litre

All our haze and fog liquids are high quality products, supplied with safety data sheet. They are waterbased and contain neither oil nor silicone. The ingredients correspond to the highest purity level. All fluids are odourless and biodegradable.

Information about CLP regulation and Look Solutions fog and haze fluids:
The CLP regulations for mixtures are valid from 01.06.2015 on.
Look Solutions fog and haze fluids do not contain any of the listed ingredients.
Especially none of our products contain Diethylenglycol, which is of great concern.
All ingredients used in Look fluid are harmless, and there is no limited value in the air for any of them.
Look Solutions products are not classfied under the new CLP regulations.

Ytterligare information

Mängd vätska

10 liter, 2 liter, 25 liter


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