Showgear Snow/Foam Liquid 5 liter Ready

175 kr

Snövätska, 5 liter färdigblandad

Artikelnr: 80341 Kategori: Varumärke:


  • 5 litres of snow or foam liquid
  • Ready to use
  • Clear and safe water-based substance
  • No odour and leaves no residue
  • Compatible with most snow and foam machines

The Showgear Snow/Foam Liquid 5 litre Ready is a water based liquid, especially designed for snow and foam machines to produce a clear, safe snow or foam substance. It has no unpleasant odour and leaves no residue. The Snow/Foam Liquid 5 litre Ready is reliable for performers and compatible with most snow and foam machines.

Ready for use. Don’t mix with water like the Snow/Foam Concentrate.


FX Capacity (L): 5 L

Concentrate: No

Ytterligare information

Mängd vätska

1 liter, 5 liter


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