Wentex SET Frame – A-Modules

1 895 kr3 895 kr

Moduluppbyggd skärmram för textilier. Kan byggas i stort sett vilken storlek som helst. Ramdelar i A-form finns i en mängd olika storlekar.

Artikelnr: 86000x Kategori: Varumärke:


  • Lightweight aluminium frame
  • Part of the modular Wentex SET Frame system
  • Available in various sizes
  • Suitable for tendon/textile clothes
  • Built-in stacking system

The Wentex SET Frame Module is a lightweight aluminium textile frame system for quickly and easily creating exhibition or projection walls. It is a very modular system for a height of up to 6 meters. You can make the frame as angular and wide as you want. In addition, both front and rear projection is possible, as well as creating an intermediate compartment for seamless LED screen installations. This is an ideal framing solution for tendon/textile cloths (silicone-edge graphics) at conferences, exhibitions, trade fairs, seminars and TV studios.

Frame modules are available in different sizes, allowing you to create different combinations and setups. They are equipped with a quickly built-in stacking system. Clamps allow frames to be securely and seamlessly joined together and Wentex Base Plates can be used to create a strong and stable base.

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100×100 cm, 100×25 cm, 100×50 cm, 100×75 cm, 25×100 cm, 25×25 cm, 25×50 cm, 25×75 cm, 38×100 cm, 50×100 cm, 50×25 cm, 50×50 cm, 50×75 cm, 69×100 cm, 75×100 cm, 75×25 cm, 75×50 cm, 75×75 cm, 81×100 cm, 94×100 cm


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